HP is the worst.
Why is “jup” in German/Dutch/Swedish/Danish spelling?
Are you an undercover German?
Guten Tag!
One guy in our department standardized the printers and created a virtual printer that goes to a printing pool.
All the toners are the same, all network printers, and if one stops working they just release the printout at a different printer.
It’s the best.
That guy is too smart, he’d better he careful. He’ll be found dead at his desk after mysteriously choking on an HP cyan cartridge.
They wouldn’t be so obvious.
They would just slowly replace all his blood with HP 952XL Magenta
That’s an expensive way to kill someone. It’d probably be cheaper to pay for a hitman at the point.
It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message.
I did something similiar, I named all the printers with an esoteric naming scheme based on the OU and location, but completely indecipherable, and GPO reset the default printer every morning. That way the print was always released to a random printer that the user chose in utter bewilderment and confusion, so there was no chance any particular printer would see enough use that I’d have to change the toner in this decade.
Worked great.
Lawful good solution and chaotic good solution
Welcome to the world of business printing done right. A rare sight these days.
imho, the new printers are pretty good. Like ever since the companies stopped the inkjet fiasco and switched over to the inktank thing, its been really smooth.
My experience with the Epson ecotank is pretty good.
HP is still the worst, though.
The only difference between HP and a 1930’s Italian mob protection racket is they don’t break your kneecaps yet
Yeah, even their inktanks are unusable.
Software like papercut is the best.
deleted by creator
My HP laser printer is amazing, no drivers needed, lasts long on ink, connects to everything, I love it.
Sure it doesn’t have colour printing, nor scanning, not Bluetooth. But the thing just works every single time!
Hello, printer driver developer here. I hate you all
Man, I just love the way you guys ignore basic exception handling, insist on using undocumented APIs, exclusively hook into system resources, fail to address even the most fundamental of good memory management practises and then demand your software runs as an unprotected kernel-level driver.
It’s fucking great.
Hey, you can blame my senior who did most of it and left this mess to me when he quit. I just pray everyday that nothing breaks since we don’t even have internal documentation for this code and almost no comments whatsoever :)
I love my job :D
PC Load Letter
My Brother laser printer sends its regards.
We can tell.
Brother brand Laser Printer, gentleman. Only printer I’d ever touch
I couldn’t convince my dad to get a Brother laser printer, so he got a Brother Inkjet. It still works so much better, and the ink lasts so much longer, than any other inkjet I’ve used.
This is the way.
13 years going on mine. Only ever bought new toner 2 times.
6 years total, first 4 was as a uni student on mine. Never gave me a single issue and still running off the same toner
Same here. And somehow windows just detects and Installs it every time over the network.
printer is one odd bunch of computing output devices
when other types of output devices (such as monitor display, hdmi, usb, etc) evolves and improved over decades, printer is bring so much little into the mix
They evolved backwards. Back in the day you sent the raw text over the parallel port and it just printed it
They have tho. Like, they have made it cheaper. And the new inktank models are economically efficient.
Back in my day. Printers printed in dots. And that’s the way we liked it.
Put cabled in. And it worked.
And it was so satisfying ripping the side holes off.
Ripping the side holes off and putting them into a box so you have an entire box full of shredded paper sides
Also satisfying: folding two strips like this:
Why tf do printers even need drivers? Where do they have to go? Why can’t they get there by themselves?
CUPS my beloved
They usually have casters but they’re pretty flimsy.
Quote me after dealing with print drivers acting up and spooler service crashes for the nth time that day (also worked in it support for several years):
“We can land men on the moon, but somehow getting a printer, a technology that has existed litteraly since before computers had screens, to work is still complete and utter black magic…!”
Printers are proof there’s a God and that it thrives on our suffering.
Ink for the ink god, drivers for the driver throne.
I never noticed, but it looks like the guy who took the photo got sprayed too.
pc load letter?
WTF does that mean?
#1 reason to go paperless at the office lol
I literally go to the copy place now and tell everyone I “don’t know how” to work on printers.
Life is too short.
Multifunction-Printers are even worse. If you got a decent one by chance, after 5 odd years the integrated server gets wonky and the usb controller starts randomizing MAC addresses, so you have to setup it anew each time. Those things are haunted!
This may explain the issues I have at my buddies automotive shop… every few months all the PCs loose connection, then I have to uninstall all the drives and install them again. Fucking HP.