Where is this CVS?
East LA by Atlantic and Whittier. Used to be an opera house.
What a fucking age we live in where an opera house is turned into a chain pharmacy. Fantastic.
Better than it getting torn down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Is it?
Slowly, gently, aisles unfold their wonders,
Grasp them, see them, beneath fluorescent numbers.
Turn your gaze away from the bustling street outside,
Turn your steps to where deals and savings bide,
And listen to the checkout scanner glide.Close your eyes, picture discounts you have never seen,
Purge your mind of the other stores you’ve been.
Close your eyes, let your shopping cart fill more,
And shop, as you’ve never shopped before.Removed by mod
The Dark Souls of pharmacies 💀
The security archers on the roof are pretty intense.
They give you cocaine and morphine as painkillers, as is thematically appropriate
Aren’t they always evil?
Evil SportsAuthority building in Denver (a.k.a. the Sports Castle, which used to be Gart Brothers long ago):
Lots of shops are in old buildings in Europe, it makes for a pleasant walkable city center. The upper floors are usually offices, services (like a dentist’s) or residential.
This one does not look evil, at least it has windows.
But it could be evil if there was a giant ominous parking lot in front clashing with the neo-Baroque façade.
“Evil” was just a copy of the Ops joke. I think it’s a neat building to drive by.
You should see their underground selection.
Please, no! I have a family.
the wrong rave pharmacy
You shouldn’t be smoking in the first place