For me the shape of water was the worst film I’ve ever seen because the whole story was just so weird and ridiculous… An alien and a woman getting together.
The worst part about it is that critics at the time were praising the film…
For me the shape of water was the worst film I’ve ever seen because the whole story was just so weird and ridiculous… An alien and a woman getting together.
The worst part about it is that critics at the time were praising the film…
The Shape of Water is a movie made by a guy obsessed with old movies. If you’re not into the aesthetic of old monster movies and old movie musicals, I can see why you wouldn’t enjoy it much.
I thought Ready Player One was pretty bad, especially considering that it had a large budget and an incredibly experienced director at the helm. The source material was just too sparse to pull out anything besides

I tried to read the book. Made it about 50 pages before I DNF’d. The protagonist is just such a snobby condescending little shit. He whines about being ostracized and bullied but he constantly talks down to everyone at every opportunity. It felt like a power fantasy for the people who think other people don’t like them because they’re nerds, but really it’s because they’re just assholes.
The movie adds in a fundamental misunderstanding of Mobile Suit Gundam (because they couldn’t get Ultraman) and The Iron Giant lmao
The movie had blue curtained takes on the already blue curtained takes of the book. It was at its roots a masturbatory power fantasy of treat consumption and nothing more.
Ready Player One was ridiculously overhyped.
It ultimately permanently dates itself by pushing the media from the authors youth as the most important media in history and far more memorable than anything that came after. The author cannot imagine anything better and chooses not to.
Like the Fallout series it suffers from an “end of history” trope where society, culture, and art become static and unmoving, moored in a certain aesthetic and time period, despite time firmly marching on.
I feel like if you’re the kind of person that likes Scott Pilgrim versus the world then you probably would have not hated ready player One.
There’s like a very specific window of people that the entire story appeals to and if you’re not inside of that window then you’re shit out of luck.
Arguably, it should have appealed to me. Ernest Cline is barely 10 years my senior and loved most of the same things I did. I’m just not such a self-important schmuck that I think that means it’s the best art in history.
Agreed. I recognized and liked all the items in the checklist. But a checklist is not a story.