I cook ramen normally then spread it on the plate. Then I open a can of cream of mushroom… Straight on top of the ramen cold… Next is a can of French cut green beans, drained, then straight to the pile. My wife won’t let me eat it around her
The approach feels wrong, but taking the noodles/cooking water, adding the can of soup (condensed I assume) and letting the noodle water thin out it, and mixing in green beans doesn’t actually sound horrific. It might look vile though.
I cook ramen normally then spread it on the plate. Then I open a can of cream of mushroom… Straight on top of the ramen cold… Next is a can of French cut green beans, drained, then straight to the pile. My wife won’t let me eat it around her
You got someone to marry you with that habit intact?!
You don’t lead with that! You want until the relationship is established before something like that.
Yeah, that’s definitely some Iris DeMent & John Prine level love. 😅🤗
In Spite Of Our Ramens
I am not a great cook and eat a lot of of crap… But this is too much, even for me. I think I’m going to throw up in my mouth…
The approach feels wrong, but taking the noodles/cooking water, adding the can of soup (condensed I assume) and letting the noodle water thin out it, and mixing in green beans doesn’t actually sound horrific. It might look vile though.
I’m a little unsure about the prep, but that does sound pretty good
I’m curious if OP ever tried heating the cream of mushroom and green beans but decided it was preferable to eat them cold right out of the can.
I don’t think I will ever want to eat that, but no one is making me, so have at it!