These laws will ban rewards for spending money within a game for the first time, ban rewards for buying consecutive microtransactions, and ban rewards for daily log-ins.
I would’ve expected to see something like thus out of the EU rather than China, but at least somebody’s making the first move against the predatory monetisation of apps
If only those “think of the children” politicians would do this instead of attempting to ban encryption.
You know you look really bad when the CCP shows you up!
If China’s plan is successful, other countries will follow suit.
PS: RIP my free intertwined fates in Gaming (Jiaming) Impact.
The Chinese government has started it‘s witch hunt against video games years ago and we have yet to see any of their draconic laws being enforced. It looks like they made them just so they can cherry pick and suppress whoever disagrees with them one way or another. This will be no exception. Gambling, prostitution and porn are all illegal in mainland China but it has always been a huge and open business in every part of the country.
Hi Tim
The S$20000 ($15000) Genshin Impact buying spree incident in Singapore had indirectly contributed to proposed legislation.
The what?
A lot of games are starting to display warnings to spend wisely when purchasing premium currency.
God, I hope they do that here. Would clear the appstores and other stores of 90% of shovelware overnight.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Assuming it’s a clock that’s capable of being right twice a day, which isn’t every clock.
A clock whizzing backwards at 60 RPM is right 86,400 times a day!
EDIT: Bruh this ain’t funny
Very rare China W.
Seriously seeing this come from China is
Mildly confusing, very unexpected but very much a cool move.
China doing a better job regulating corporations than the west is nothing new.
Even this current one happened while Tencent was barely recovering from another regulation set last year. Kicking megacorps while they’re down lol as they should.
Very common W
It’s so destructive that even China doesn’t like it
It’s so destructive that even China doesn’t like it
They probably love that it’s hurting competing nations, though.
China being based as always
“As always” is pretty strong, even in this context.
It’s a bit of a hyperbole of course. But China is generally much better at regulating corporations like this.