The special efx haven’t gotten more expensive, cameras haven’t risen in price, writers don’t seem to be demanding particular high prices, netflix takes anything that you can pitch without saying the word disney.
So what in the world happened? X-files was an amazing show and watching it you are not only entertained but you care about mulder and scully. The show is genuinely a great time. Why did they stop making them like this?
They still make amazing shows, it’s just a matter of taste and preference.
You can try Fringe, it’s obviously inspired by X-Files. I even prefer Fringe but I don’t think it’s a popular opinion.
There’s also From, it’s like the only mystery horror TV show that gets horror right in a series setting. It gave me some similar vibes though it’s a very different show.
Updoots for Fringe. Season 1 is very monster of the week but it’s laying groundwork for everything that’s coming. It’s a fun ride all the way through and it got a decent conclusion. Watch it if you haven’t already.
Shows like that are still happening.
The real issue is that instead of 5-15 channels, there are dozens-hundreds, plus a dozen streaming service, and intellectual property is constantly pinging back and forth between them all.
No media has a reliable “home” you can consistently access it from. And when it does you still run into the discoverability issue. So many shows are made that you can’t reasonably scroll through all of them, so personal recommendations and algorithms ultimately dictate what we find.
If you want unusual and stand-out sci-fi then I’d recommend Twin Peaks: The Return, assuming you’ve seen Twin Peaks.
Also the show “Dark” on Netflix is incredible.
I still have a cue of newer stuff I haven’t gotten to because there’s so much to try.
I think what we’ve really lost is the social element. When FAR fewer things were on, and everyone had to “tune in” to see new episodes, it meant a ton more people would be watching the same thing at the same time.
Now the default has become everything on demand, and released in full seasons at a time. “Dark” is actually from several years ago, but became big in the US just a few years ago, and I just found it last year.
The viewing and Fandom experiences are just more fragmented and scattered now.
Episodic vs Serial.
Everything is a serial now. They’re not bad, but you can’t just pick any random episode and have a good time. I prefer episodic stuff for that very reason.
I’m middle-aged, and Xfiles was great, but some of the best shows I’ve seen have been in the last decade
Have you seen Fringe? It’s a tv show from about a decade ago, very similar vibe to the X-files.
If you don’t like that and combined with all the other stuff in this thread, then I think you might just not like TV as a medium anymore.
Mr. sighofannoyance this is a lie detector.
I’m gonna make you some questions and you shall answer with honesty.
Have you ever watched any tv show other than “X-Files”?
I’m going to interpret the question more as "why don’t they make shows like “The X-Files” any more than on specific quality.
The 90’s was the last hurrah of quality serialized television. You were seeing a lot of improvements in the quality of writing and willingness to push against norms and standards. You could still make a shallow serialized series and they still do today, but you could make a show back then with a lore tied together from callbacks.
So why did these kinds of shows stop? DVD sets and ubiquitous time-skipping technology meant that writers could shift from good serialized content to longer form and continuous stories. You started seeing shows filled with “previously on…” because it became the expectation that viewers watched all the episodes up to then. Streaming make it the default.
There has been a recent push to go back to a serialized model, but the economics of the industry has changed. Writers rooms able to churn out 26 shows a year have been whittled away. You also have some actors that don’t want the work schedule that comes with it. You also had a time where a show that lasted a year found it easier stay on air to get to the 100 episode minimum to make syndication valuable; there isn’t that profit motive any more.
Lived through peak TV… Why dOn’T x-FiLEs bE tV aS GoOD?
Mr. Vicepresident!!
Someone is talking about the X-Files!
I’m in the middle of rewatching X-Files yet again. It’s really hit and miss, even in the good seasons. I think people remember all the good episodes and forget about the bad and average ones.
You looking for a new X-Files type show? I can’t think of any good ones but I don’t really look for that type of show anymore either.
Not neccessarily x-files related, just of the same quality and make. Something that is as entertaining as watching xfiles.
Might be that it is hard to make good art.
And even the X Files got bad after about 5 seasons.
It’s also not like good stuff has stopped being made. And back then there was also plenty of bad stuff. You just remember the good shows.
I never watched x-files when it aired.
I tried to watch it a few years back but only made it to season 2. Maybe it gets better later, but the show was so formulaic that I grew bored of it pretty quick.