I was perfectly on time this morning when I woke up (which is rare) and everything was going smoothly until my routine was interrupted due to a phone call from my Mom and I forgot to take my meds before work.
I didn’t realize I did until about an hour into my shift and something felt off. I had doubts as I was getting ready for work but my doc said to never take extra. (Edit: and remembering what it was like going from 40mg to 60mg I definitely didn’t want to accidentally take 2)
I was a bit too scattered (best way to describe it) and even my coworker noticed I was a lot more talkative than usual.
And then it hit me, I didn’t remember taking my meds in the morning and saying the date.
By 4 hours into my shift my stomach felt off, and by the 9th hour I had a headache creeping in.
Unfortunately I got home within 12 hours (more like 10) of when I normally take my meds, so I’ve got to wait.
On the plus side I bought a pill organizer today so it’ll be easier to know if I missed my dose as I will be able to see if I did or not pretty easy.
Do you mind telling why you document your meals?
I started documenting a bunch of things every day to try and find patterns in how things affect my mental well-being. How much I sleep, when I wake up, when I get up, when and what I eat, how many steps I’ve taken that day, if I’ve worked out and how much, etc etc etc.
That’s a great idea. Have you noticed any patterns yet? No pressure to share, of course.
Man that wouldn’t be very interesting for me since I eat the same breakfast every day and the same lunch most days too
That’s a good idea