NOT this. Pls don’t make me remember
There is an interview with this dude somewhere. I used to read it once a year, some greatife lessons there.
The scary thing is that I’m 100% sure I get the reference, without ever seeing the reference. I’m going to nope the fuck outta here…
1 ocean, 1 submarine
Jesus H. Christ
The worst part was just how casually shards were removed from himself.
This was not his first rodeo.
Oh no
How dare you make me remember something I vowed to forget.
Wait I’m OOTL on this meme. Based on your comment and the context of the meme…is this implying what I think it’s implying?
Now this my friends is a quality shitpost.
Is the OG? I don’t remember the setting. I remember a weirdly yellow look to it.
This is not the OG :'( I remember that bathroom, a vaguely yellow tint…
I knew it! And I hate that I knew it!