What do you think are some of the worst examples of Treknobabble in the franchise?
And what series do you think does it poorly the most often?
The scene where Picard needs a heart transplant around season 2 of TNG was pretty bad. You can’t just make up words for a procedure we already have. My girlfriend still isn’t over it.
“I can’t stop the heterocyclic declination!” (TNG: “Samaritan Snare”)
SNW’s scientific accuracy and technobabble are so bad, it often pulls me right out of the story. I feel like Next Gen era at least tried a little bit. Yeah, it was awful, but it was watchable. I’ve gone back and watched some to verify it’s not just in my head. It’s not. Does SNW have science and technology consultants? If so, if the problem is them they should be fired, but I suspect the problem is the writers / directors not giving two fucks what the consultants have to say. Be better guys.
The topic was asking for examples; got any?