There have been so many “breakthroughs” from eating beets to this new mushroom coffee for all kinds of miracle remedies. Is there any benefit at all and why can’t you make it your self by pulverizing dried mushrooms of the same variety they use into powder and making the coffee yourself?
Mushroom coffee? Isn’t that just a soup?
Did it come out of the States?
If so, guaranteed utter fucking horseshit
Is (insert heavily marketed product here) just a fad?
Yes. Just fucking drink tea if coffee creeps you out.
Or drink what makes you happy.
I can’t guzzle tequila all day tho :(
Just drink Lion’s Mane tea, probably much cheaper
I got a bag of lion’s mane powder that I sprinkle in dishes I prepare. Pretty much doesn’t change the flavor of anything and you get all the mental benefits.
There is no such thing as a superfood. it’s all bullshit.
Like the Acacia berry stuff. not only are the levels of good-stuff in them comprable to other berries (Like strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, gooseberries. Basically it’s the same as, like, all berries.) you’re importing them from central america which means they’re not fresh, they’re processed, and they’ve lost a lot of that good stuff by the time it gets to you.
So yes. anyone telling you that “XYZ” is a superfood? bullshit. That simple. It’s just powdered mushrooms (“Adaptogenic mushrooms” whatever that means. looking at the ingredients list, it seems to just be common food shrooms.). While, yes, mushrooms are healthy, and can be delicious, There’s nothing inherently special about this product. (“they” say it has antinfamitory and other of the typical dribble the natural-remedy crowd says of like… everything… If there’s an effect it’s probably like “meh.”)
Personally, eating actual mushrooms seems more… uhm. palatable.
I eat a ton of different mushrooms, living in the PNW, there’s so much variety. My favorite is definitely fresh lobster in the fall. The only one with effects I can definitely detect is lion’s mane. It has a great effect on my long covid brain fog, assisting greatly with lifting that fog. Otherwise, I just love the flavor of mushrooms. Had some fresh chantrelles in an omelette my partner made this morning. So yum (they’re very woody).
Every other month they start some trend to sell you shit… you would think people learned by now but here we are.
Single super food aint saving your ass from a shit diet!
Mushroom juice? Gag.
Yeah, cold cream of mushroom soup or nothing!
I like sucking it through my teeth to separate the mushroom bits like a baleen whale.
Mushroom soup kinda slaps.
Yeah but that has seasoning and broth and shit. But just the juice from ground up mushrooms seeped in water? Nah for me.
Whered you hear about it from? The only actual other big coffee/tea variant I’m aware of is yerba maté. Mushroom coffee sounds like nightmare fuel
will a doctor prescribe it? no? then its probably bs or illegal 😉
Why would a doctor prescribe an alternative to coffee or tea in the first place though?
i meant more in a generalised sense herbal this and that supplements etc
Doctors in the US never ever prescribe herbs or supplements. On rare occasions when you have a legitimate vitamin deficiency, verified by blood work, they will prescribe medical grade vitamin tablets, from a pharmacy that has actually tested the vitamin content of the product. Vitamin D deficiency is quite common, and while rare, scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) can happen if someone is malnourished.
My doctor has told me on more that one occasion that herbal supplements are completely unregulated, many don’t contain even a bit of the claimed herb, and sometimes have legitimately harmful plants mixed in, as if someone just gathered a bunch of weeds, dried and ground them up.