Iran announced plans to open a “hijab removal treatment clinic” to provide “scientific and psychological treatment” for women defying the country’s mandatory hijab laws, sparking outrage from activists and human rights groups.
Critics, including UK-based Iranian journalist Sima Sabet, condemned the clinic as “chilling” and akin to social exclusion.
Human rights lawyer Hossein Raeesi noted the clinic is unprecedented under both Islamic and Iranian law.
The move follows increased arrests, forced disappearances, and alleged abuses in psychiatric facilities targeting women and protesters in breach of hijab laws.
Deeply disturbing. It’s so easy to forget that this is a picture of Iran in the 1970s.
Who downvoted this, and why?
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What do women of the same class look like now?
The same when you look at all the party reels on tiktok or insta. Not that I do, but I know someone who has an Iraniam girlfriend and they always party when they go back to Tehran, and they showed me a couple shorts from their trip.
Ive never used Instagram or tiktok.
You are not missing a thing.
Tiktok is not real life. Go watch or read Persepolis. I also know someone from Iran, they don’t go back anymore for good reasons. Things are getting worse there.
The reels that they were showing me on those platform were real. It was literally the person I know and their girlfriend partying on some rooftop Terrace in Tehran.
This was two years ago though. They don’t go back any more either. Things may indeed have changed, but I lack a reliable source.
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…in Teheran, while the rest of the country was pretty much still tribal.
While it’s absolutely true that the average Iranian is vastly, vastly more liberal than their government let’s not turn around and glorify the Shah regime either. You don’t need to go back in time to show Iranians in a positive light.
But you won’t find it in Teheran anymore. Iran was diverse then, now it’s as backwards in the big cities as it was in the country.
Iran didn’t turn tribal and is still diverse AF. Don’t confuse the people and overall culture with the backwards government which isn’t exactly popular.
Imagine the world without America / Israel invading anywhere that showed any sign of building a socialist society.
Wow, this is pretty much Gilead in real life
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I still don’t understand how at the same time, men are feral beasts who can’t resist the urge to rape someone because checks notes they saw her hair, yet they are the logical ones who can be trusted with power and responsibility.
I could be wrong, but I think the religious logic is that it keeps the men in the community focused on society and their families rather than casting a wandering eye towards other women. Pretty sure that Muslim men aren’t looking at themselves as barely restrained rapists.
Whole thing is awful though, and I am in no way trying to support mandatory hijab laws.
Not so different from “conversion” clinic for LGBTQ people, no?
It’s a really weird situation they have with that
Since the 1979 Revolution, the legal code has been based on Islamic law. Despite allowing sex reassignment surgery, homosexuality in Iran remains a crime punishable by death.[2][3][4][14][15] In Iran, this framework is occasionally viewed as a means to “correct” individuals who may otherwise express same-sex desires, offering an option to conform to heteronormative standards
So being gay is punishable by death, but it’s fine if you go through gender reassignment surgery since that makes you a woman. With their attitude against gays you’d think they’d have similar attitude against sex change but I guess not.
Iran Dictionary (updated)
Clinic: An establishment or room where women can endure repeated rape and beatings until they agree to wear a hijab.
I would rather blind all male who has a problem seeing a woman. This is the biggest man made crap in this universe. There is a starman waiting in the sky… They just laughing their ass off seeing this madness.
No no no, it’s not the strong men that is the problem, it’s the weak women with their fragile womanly figure seducing the strong virile men, it’s the weak and powerless women who need to be reigned in and controlled… So the strong powerful men won’t be uncontrollably seduced…/S ^
strong man has strong eyelid, I would still blind them.
Some people are fucking insane, even just for thinking about something like this.
I don´t want to live on this planet anymore.
And a convenient brain surgery called a “lobotomy”
How can they still think men are the “strong gender”?
This shit offends me as a man.
As if I’m not able to control myself
Fucking assholesI used to be able to read stories like this and be glad I didn’t live in a country that had nationally state-sponsored things like this.
I won’t be able to feel that way any more.
I had to look up the vaguely Kurdistan-looking flag in the background — for anyone else wondering, it’s this:Êzîdxan_Protection_Force
And the other flag is of course the pre-revolution flag of Iran (which always reminds me of St. Mark’s Lion on the flag of the Venetian Republic)
Will these treatments involve mineral supplements applied externally at high speeds?
Did the fuckers who developed Project 2025 copy the Iranians? If not, they will add it.
I just can’t get into the headspace of someone who’s a big enough cunt to think any of this is a good idea. No matter how much slack I try to give conservative nutjobs, no matter how deep into the rabbit hole I imagine going, it’s not just dumb, but obviously dumb.
Why would the #1 backers of Palestine do this?
I thought that Islam was an open and accepting cult, but now I’m confused because this just seems oppressive and toxic!
Turns out shitty people are going to be shitty regardless of any group affiliation.
With Iran (and Afghanistan) being specifically an Islamic theocracy it can be a bit hard to separate the religion from this equation. Though why the other person decided to bring up Palestine, that’s more of mystery to me.
It’s because they’re bigoted.
No shit but this particular bigotry is happening in name of and (according to them) in accordance of Islam, in an Islamic theocracy.
It’d be like claiming some antiabortion Christian sentiments had nothing to do with Christianity. Especially hard to claim such when those sentiments are mainstream or aren’t that far off.
Leftists told me Iran is the good guy now though
The leftist that lives rent free in your head probably did, not one leftist in the real world (where there is grass and trees) has said this
Or maybe its the leftist that Faux news conjured up for him?
I’ve seen some play defense for Iran but I think it comes solely from the fact that Iran is at odds with the US. Some are very black and white like that.
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I wasn’t really commenting on why they are “at odds”, just that since they are, some go USA bad -> Iran good.
American leftists are toxic as fuck now. Just as hateful and racist as the right