They wrote. It down.
It may prove to not end in consequences, but they took notes on a criminal conspiracy before the outcome and it’s part of evidence submitted in federal court.
Nothing burger is not nothing.
They wrote. It down.
It may prove to not end in consequences, but they took notes on a criminal conspiracy before the outcome and it’s part of evidence submitted in federal court.
Nothing burger is not nothing.
If your portfolio was a Fidelity target date fund, it would not be impacted by the local industry you mention in your post.
I also happen to know more about the details of how our retirement fund recommendations to clients works at Fidelity… because I worked there for the last 5 years.
You are showing the results of poor selection on your part.
Most modern cancer drug treatment is sequenced to at least the specific proteins of the type of cancer it is.
Have breast cancer? Cool. We figure out which of the many variations so that we can give you medications for that exact type of breast cancer.
This sort of specific targeting has been increasing and increasing for the last 20 years. MRNA is the next step of that and is highly likely to be a means or become or for treatments in many other areas.
Just this month I was there and the pizza is a different concept there to be sure.
Street pizzas of thinly sliced zucchini or potato covering bread rounds with olive oil. That’s pizza in Rome.
Focaccia bread like crust with some anchovies and potatoe? Pizza.
Neapolitan style is just a different style again, but the theme is dough is not the delivery agent, it is the primary purpose. The dough is the important bit, with toppings being intended to enhance subtle flavors for it.
Italian pizza is most similar in American expectations of food typically found there, to flatbread dishes. It’s flatbread with some stuff on top to accent it. There is no cheese on most of the pizza I had in the various parts of Italy I was in. Cheese was not an expected component. Healthy or at least flavorful variations on additions to the dough are the goal.
Whether you are in Sardinia, Calabria, or Rome; pizza is pizza dough with local additives.
I have seen French fries on top of pizza in Sardinia, and this was called there “American pizza” :)
Why is that wall needed? Can you expand on this more?
You are a simpleton.
I could go through each of these p=Q and therefore Q =R reductionist fallacies but it is obviously not worth my time.
Inflation is not the result of government spending on foreign aid. Infrastructure spending actually REDUCED inflation during the new deal of the 20s.
Lol. Enjoy shouting at clouds, I’m done with you.
I get all of the range advertised to me. 2022 model 3.
Others may not. The recent articles on their displayed range being different once at half battery are concerning. I have been on the lookout for it, but so far I have driven 260 physical miles in the 3 I own without issue. That’s about the best I could reasonably expect without truly granny driving the thing.
I don’t intend to come off as some sort of Tesla fan boy. I don’t buy their bullshit statements nor agree with them as a company. I hate musk and dislike a lot of their business decisions.
The interior of their cars is our economy level trash for premium prices.
I own one as a result of needing an EV, having solar panel plans for the roof, and having the second family vehicle die in us in 2021. We needed to order something when there was literally nothing to buy. Car lots empty. So I punched the ticket on the Tesla to get into the EVs and get a car before most others could get me one. Certainly the soonest anyone could get me one with this level of advertised range at the time. Here I am now.
There is still nothing I have seen to date that proves to all of us they didn’t drive through and submerge the battery.
I don’t doubt Tesla’s shitty practices on customer service, and I don’t doubt the possibility of a WC failure letting rain be the cause. It could.
I just haven’t seen anything conclusive to reinforce they didn’t drive the vehicle in a manner that could be expected to cause water issues.
Once that gets produced, I will happily agree.
What does the total sum of all funds spent for the last 20 years on GWOT have to do with foreign aid budgeted spending in 2023 to Israel?
These aren’t in the same budget category. The tax dollars spent on GWOT had significant effect in the United States ability to borrow as a government due to national debt increases, but that impact is seen directly in the increasing yearly amounts of tax revenue spent to repay that debt, not directly to inflation. Show me correlation in the first ten years of GWOT to CPI?
So let me get this right. You believe spending, as allocated in the budget for a fiscal year, in a category you do not even understand the limits of, for amounts you need to calculate in fractions of a percent of the budget, is a worthy mention of impact on inflationary pressure?
One where you improperly equate it with printing more money as a federal reserve economic control device, and assume aid = printed dollars instead of the majority of which is already existing assets in storage where packages are given dollar values for their worth?
Continue to make loud noises out of thy ass while making false equivalence.
I would love if you could explain the connection between these two things.
I have my macroeconomics books from college at hand, so so please take your time to be detailed as I won’t dislike reviewing my notes.
Narrator: there is nothing about spending 0.001% of GDP on foreign aid that is of significant impact to inflationary pressures, and OP is speaking out of their ass. To the point where when they fart it sounds like a god damn jazz band.
Teslas do not suck for core feature of the car. They get undue attention because of what they are and what Musk does, but the core features the car is supposed to do work very well.
I own a 3, so bias called out here, but do not own it for the auto drive. I don’t even really use it, just lane following. When I push go, it goes. When I want to get great range, I get great range. When I need it to rapidly charge and find me a route that charges as I need it, it does. It fills up enough to get to my destination at superchargers faster than I can check out at the gas station for my apple fritter.
All of the other crap aside with self driving, it does what I bought it for. I look forward to the day someone can sell me the same range for the same money, with the same charge rates, with the same rapid charger population across the US. When they do, I will gladly switch.
I don’t think Tesla is an engineering failure, in fact I think it is an engineering success for their motors and batteries (both of which get sold to other EV manufacturers as licensed products), but a marketing failure largely resulting from Musk’s push or outward statements he should never have made. With a decent filtering PR firm and letting this engineers run the development runway, Tesla would still be lauded.
All prisoners in the US, regardless of infraction, have DNA samples taken in many states.
That is not voluntary.
It was ruled constitutional by SCOTUS.
If you had that done, and you have family dumb enough to use 23andme, then you just got screwed, involuntarily, twice.
Picture of what could be his sister. Her name is Bea. Cool with us. Not a fan of anything with fur.
If the program is paying you significantly less than what it should, you can’t rely on it for retirement calculations.
It isn’t enough to retire on on its own today. The program paying significantly less of its distributions as a result of being not possible to fully fund, results in many of us believing it is a program that served the elderly of today ( boomers) and not those who come later as a result of the funding to withdrawal ratio that the baby boomer generation will create.
It’s an unfunded mandate. It can’t if the fund has no money. Touch nothing and the program runs out of money to pay the drawing population. Basic math.
Something as to shift or it will in fact not be able to pay out for all members drawing in it given enough time.
The model inferred meaning much the same way it infers meaning from text. Short phrases can generate intricate images accurate to author intent using stable diffusion.
The models themselves in those studies leveraged stable diffusion as the mechanism of image generation, but instead of text prompts, they use fMRI data training.
I like how I said, the problem is progress is moving so far you don’t even realize what you don’t know about the subject as a layman… and then this comment appears saying things are not possible.
How timely.
I the speed at which things are changing and redefining what is possible in this space is moving faster than any other are of research. It’s insane to the point that if you are not actively reading white papers every day, you miss major advances.
The layman had this idea of what “AI” means, but we have truly no good way to make the word align to its meaning and capabilities with how fast we change what it means underneath.
Seeing Beyond the Brain: Conditional Diffusion Model with Sparse Masked Modeling for Vision Decoding: https://aiimpacts.org/2022-expert-survey-on-progress-in-ai/
High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human brain activity: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.18.517004v3
Semantic reconstruction of continuous language from non-invasive brain recordings: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.09.29.509744v1
I need to know where you got this Lego set