Water written backwards spells retaw. If you adjust it a little it says retard. Are you gonna take being called a retard by water? Ban water today and stop the insults!
Her father, Doug, was equally shocked at the message, considering his younger daughter Fiona has cerebral palsy and autism.
That’s horrible, but what are the chances of that happening? I’m not saying I don’t believe the story, but those are just wild odds!
I was late for a flight once (in Canada) and they put a sticker on my luggage that said Retard. Just means late in French. You better believe I kept that sticker.
Surely a low percentage, but Coca Cola sells a lot of bottles, it had to happen at least once.
Blake says Coke contacted her family Wednesday to explain the bottle cap is part of a contest being held by Vitamin Water where they randomly print one English word and one French word on their caps.
That explains how it happened but… what kind of contest is this? Gotta collect all the French words?
I mean it’s in canada, so it’s like things in the US that are printed in both English and Spanish.
I mean I get that, but I don’t think US bottles have random English words on them, do they?
Ignoring the modern English meaning of “retard” (which was the politically correct word for ages), the cap would still have said “you slow”
If it’s written backwards, it means the opposite. So this is quite halal.
Or at least lalah.
Lol, I speak Arabic as a native language, and I know damn well that you translated incorrectly.
It’s not “لا”, it’s “لِ”, which means “for”, “to”, or “of”, as in “for/to/of Mohammed”.
So yeah, it’s not as bad as you think.
لا مُحَمَّد لا مكة
I’m only an Arabic beginner, but this is pretty much how you write “no mohammed, no mekka”.
The post is a bit farfetched, one might even call it bullshit.
You mean someone would go on the internet and just tell lies?
Say it ain’t so.
Also, any “proof” that is presented as an edited image is clearly disingenuous from the beginning.
You see if I take this word and then literally change the letters contained within it becomes a new word!
I saw this on Facebook back in the day. This was to troll brain dead people on the net, like how grandpa joe shares random memes with words meaning 666.
CocaCola spent billions of dollars on their logo to make it a puzzle and just to have someone solve this mystery-like logo? These posts are always bs. Feels like a post from Facebook.
oh thats an old one , even when it spread around 5th graders over 15 years ago we thought it was farfetched bullshit
If you listen to princes of the universe by queen backwards it says “did you really just do that, wow you’re so gullible” and quite frankly this has made it my favourite track to listen to.
When you play Weird Al’s Nature Trail to Hell backwards, you hear, “Satan eats Cheez Whiz.”
I am a Sunni imam, this is fake. Coke is haram because it has lard in it.
Long shot but I could see this being a sneaky ad targeting the same type of person who buys clothing with “infidel” written in Arabic and goes around explaining that to anyone who will listen. Bonus points if they totally would’ve joined the military during the GWOT era but didn’t want to end up punching a drill instructor/sergeant/whatever the taxi service and chair force have.
Billy Badass and friends give a bump in sales so they can find opportunities to spread the “knowledge”, people think about the product more than they otherwise would due to controversy and if the response is overwhelmingly negative, the company doesn’t even have to play the damage control game since their fingerprints aren’t anywhere on it.
Not saying I think this is the case but it’d make for an interesting leaked memo.