I get PTSD nightmares. There are very bad times to be had.
My wife has narcolepsy, and she dreams a lot. Like a lot. She can tell me about her dreams for 20+ minutes. Every day. I don’t like hearing about anyone’s dreams for 2 minutes in a month. Plus it’s super exhausting for her to dream that much. So dreams can be bad times, too.
actually there’s this new thing they just came up with called ‘bad dreams’. it’s literally bad times, in dreams!
I just woke up from a weird ass dream where, for some reason, I was invited to the White House to meet Trump.
It was not a good dream.
Being late to work is a mistakey tho
No worries if you’re dead and buried.
Clearly someone doesn’t get night terrors or sleep paralysis.
I try to sleep in, until the phone rings…