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The Galaxy Class starships were designed to be a multi-role vessel capable of carrying out scientific research, colony transport, diplomatic missions, long range exploration and defence roles.
The first Federation Starship to be fitted with a class five warp drive capable of sustained speeds of warp 9.2 with a maximum velocity of warp 9.6 for short periods.
The Galaxy Class project was intended to replace the Ambassador and Oberth class vessels and have an in-service life of 100 years.
A total of 10 Galaxy Class ships were constructed at Utopia Planitia shipyards with the third of its class christened the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D and would serve as Federation Flagship for the seven years it was in service.
The Galaxy Class played a pivotal role during the Dominion War of 2373 - 2375 especially during two Battles of Chintaka and during the final assault into the Cardassian System.
Despite having a 100 year service life very few examples survived into the 2400’s with the restored Enterprise D currently on display in the fleet museum at Athan Prime along with two previous Enterprise starships.
Best Enterprise
Built like a steakhouse, but handles like a bistro!
True, but I still have occasional wet dreams about the future Enterprise D. It was amazing in a bellic kind of way.
AKA the fat one. Always thought it would look like a picnic table if you brought the nacelles forward to the center of the saucer.
Hrrrng admiral, I’m trying to sneak around but I’m dummy thicc and the warp signature from my nacelles keeps alerting the Romulans
@darth_helmet @robdor *mumbles something in romulan* ;)
curvy, tyvm
@samus12345 They did, the Nebula class!
Closer, but still not centered! Also too close to each other.
I thought the J was the fat one?
It definitely looks a bit like a picnic table if you do that though. Just look at the Nebula.
It’s got those extra powerful warp coils up front, with taller grills on the nacelles, so they don’t need to extend that far forward.
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Didn’t someone make a one to one scale copy in Minecraft?
there was also a project to build it out in unreal engine.
Did anything come of that?
CBS killed it, but some (all?) of them are working with OTOY and the Roddenberry Archive now. They had a site up a few months ago where you could walk around the bridge of nearly every iteration of every Enterprise. There were about 30 of them, including speculative designs for some early concepts for the Enterprise.
They haven’t said anything about making a full-scale Ent-D yet, but several of their videos on YouTube show glimpses of a full-scale 1701 refit.
The original project was something anybody could play, and as far as I know if you can find it you can still play it today, and you will be able to forever.
You can’t do that with TRA/OTOY now can you?
streaming-exclusivity is an extremely bad thing.As for the minecraft stuff, trekcraft exists today, and they have like 4 different iterations of the Enterprise D, with the latest version using a mod to add more detailed blocks and still being worked on today, all the way back to the original.
You know I just love it when people create a homage to something they love.
I made the Encanto house in mc on top of that dragon ball tower, Kami’s lookout.
Just thinking about it makes me all giddy again!
Hmm I see lots of news posts about it but can’t find the actual thing.
Well it’s amazing that we might be able to visit it one day in vr.
Holy shit that’s old.
I get that a lot :)
Its such a great ship design. elegant and round. Not unlike a duck.
I love the Enterprise-D so much I paid through the nose to get an Eaglemoss model of it for my work desk. I’m new to that whole side of collectibles and good lord, you can drop some serious coin on those.
Thank you for reminding me that I would love to own a copy of the TNG Tech Manual for display in my house
I have one on my shelf, from when they were originally published. It is in rough shape, because I loved that thing as a kid.
Recently just found mine in my parents basement from when I was a kid. My girlfriend did not understand why it was so exciting… she’s even a Star Trek fan.
The most beautiful Starfleet vessel ever. Let history never forget the name “Enterprise”
Almost surely what they wanted the Ambassador class to be. Also what they wanted the NX-01 to be in the beginning before they noticed how much more guns they needed.
The galaxy is cool but the ambassador class is my favorite, it really shows the hull transition from the A to the D model.
I like the original concept of the Ambassador Class from Andrew Probert a bit more
That thing is a beauty, my favourite Enterprise.
Love Eaglemoss
Only 10 were built? Huh.
The 10 Galaxy Class starships are…
USS Galaxy
USS Challenger
USS Enterprise
USS Odyssey
USS Syracuse
USS Venture
USS Yamato
USS Madison
USS MagellanOne further Galaxy class starship, Admiral Hanson’s ship is noted in the script for Best of Both Worlds but is not named.
Always liked the fact that they chose Yamato as the vessel to fail due to a design flaw.
It is believed by some that the eponymous battleship sank more quickly than she otherwise might have due to a design flaw in the torpedo bulges.
When I was a young
I used to be annoyed that the Enterprise-D’s interior looked like a luxury hotel and had schools and children running around.
I feel like my griping about that caused a monkey’s paw to curl and gave us decades of tacticool P R E S T I G E T V bullshit in its place that is only now gradually starting to clear up with Strange New Worlds.
your embedded images are too big and make your post look bad
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yeah it’s an issue with the Hexbear embed images I’ve seen in a lot of federated instances. I’m hoping one day it’s resolved.
It’s also an issue on memmy