For me it was “buy high quality pillow” because you sleep for one thrid of a day etc. I needed a new pillow anyway so I came to the store and bought the best they had. And it was … ok. Like it’s a fine pillow but my sleeping haven’t improved really, it’s basically the same. So I was disapointed :(
So, which life pro tip disappointed you?
I think when people say to but high quality items, they mean to spend what they’re worth. Getting the most expensive thing doesn’t really guarantee a quality item, but cheaping out makes it much more likely that you’ll end up with something lackluster. Plus, something like sleep can be fairly complicated and is connected to your habits, what you’ve eaten, or schedule, etc., so expecting a single change (pillow) to make a huge difference may not be realistic.
You’re usually fine using a cheap item. If you use it enough to break it, then you need a quality item.
Ah the old Harbor Freight rule
Obligatory I’ve been using the same $20 impact socket set professionally for 20 years and its fine
Hmm. Kinda rhymes with “garbage crate”. Horrible store. I’m never going back.
I’ve always been partial to “hazard fraught”
I disagree with it being garbage though. It’s true, most of their merchandise isn’t the highest quality, but when you need a tool for just one project that you don’t already own and can’t seem to borrow from anyone it’s a great place to get that tool on the cheap, and for some oddball tools there’s may be no convenient place to track them down.
I was recently working on a small project I needed a router for. In this case I was able to borrow a router from a friend but he only had one bit for it and it wasn’t one I needed. If you haven’t priced out router bits recently, they tend to go for like $20-30 a piece from the usual big retailers.
I was able to get a set of 15 bits from harbor freight for about $30-40 and they did exactly what I needed them to.
I’m sure they probably won’t last as long as the good bits, but for how often I need a router these will probably last me the rest of my life.
Needed a rivnut tool for a different project a few months ago, and nowhere else around me carries them, beat waiting a couple days for one from Amazon.
Also have a bike rack from them that’s doing the job just fine, and a handful of little weird tools for various hobbies.
I wouldn’t trust them for anything my life or livelihood depends on, but for little incidental things I can’t borrow or find anywhere else they do just fine.
Both of the tools I tried from there failed hard and fast. The first was a rotary tool. I ended up keeping the plastic and using a motor from a printer instead until I bought my Foredom.
The second was a vibratory tumbler. After running it for a few hours, I walked into my garage to find it filled with smoke and the acrid smell of burning electrical equipment.
I took it back to the store for a refund and the manager threatened me, saying that he wouldn’t let me make any more returns after bringing back an obviously defective piece of garbage.
Glad you had a better experience, but that place is definitely not for me.
I concur with that general rule!
You also get diminishing returns.
If you spend £400 on a bike instead of £200, it might actually be nearly twice as good, but spending £2000 doesn’t mean it will be ten times as good, when you’re in to bikes that cost £10k+ you’re talking about fractions of a percent better than the one that costs many percent less.
The top of the range items are good for enthusiasts, but almost always not worth it for casual consumers.
For a $200 bike, it’s never going to work the way it’s intended to work. ANY bike you buy at a department store–and many that you buy at general sporting goods stores–will be garbage. In 1995, the rule of thumb was to spend at least $500 on a bike to get something that you could realistically ride every single day; that’s about $1000 today.
I’m saying this as someone that worked at bike stores as a mechanic off and one over about 15 years; the cheap dept. store bikes someply can’t be fixed and adjusted to work the way that their owners expect.
(PS - yes, fixies are cheap and light. No, you should not under any circumstances ride them on public streets or trails. If you do, sooner or later you will have a serious accident that will involve stitches, broken bones, possibly surgery, and probably rehab.)
I concur with you, but I’d phrase it in a different way: if your budget is $200 for a bike, you should be shopping for a used bike-shop/reputable-brand bike on Craigslist or whatever.
Also, agreed about fixies, except that switching the flip-flop hub to single-speed mode and adding brakes makes it fine.
“Happy Wife, Happy Life”
Some women will never be happy with you because you weren’t her first pick, just what she settled for.
You can’t make someone happy, who is unwilling to try making themselves happy. Relationships have to be equal partnerships.
Life is so much better living alone with my dog the last 10 years.
I don’t think anyone below the age of 50 has seriously believed in “happy wife, happy life”. It’s very much a boomer mentality of “pick someone you don’t love and suffer through the relationship forever”
I did for a bit but the years went by and sure she’s happy, but am I?
It’s been 5 years and we’re still together.
I think we both know it’s time.
It’s rough, man. Kids.
My dreams are screaming at me.
Am I supposed to ‘follow my dreams’? Is it literal?
I’m not sure what I want anymore, whether I’d be happier single. My subconscious yawps but I ignore it.
Last night I was cheating with 3 of my ex’s, at once, in my sleep. She said I was sleep screaming again, but I only remember the spice I felt for life. It’s been so long.
Yikes dude. You need some counselling.
It looks worse than it is because I tried to make it poetic. Though, therapy only works if you’re actually honest with your therapist about everything (and you can truthfully say you aren’t comfortable discussing something at that time, remaining honest and expressing boundaries) but I’m not even being honest with myself. When I can get to that point and get the courage to make the choices I know deep down are right for me, then maybe I’ll try therapy again.
I can understand. Be honest and sincere to yourself. This is the only pro tip I keep forever.
That’s my pro tip that is disappointing lmao
“Never buy a new car” - the argument being they depreciate quickly, and newer used models are “just as good”.
Nope, got burned twice in a row and wasted more money than if I’d bought a new one immediately.Every car I’ve owned has been used. Some are better than others. In general, I’ve had really good luck and have bought some great cars, but some have been money pits. You get better at spotting a good buy, but it’s still possible to get a bad one, it does come down do luck.
Just buy a Honda or Toyota, and all you have to do is change the oil.
And brake pads please change your brake pads occasionally
and brake fluid. And Transmission fluid. And refresh your suspension once it’s a goner.
You can definitely take a Toyota to like 250k miles w/o changing transmission fluid. I think they call it a lifetime fluid, as in it’s meant to last the whole designed-for lifespan of the car.
But if you want it running it’s best, for as long as possible, then of course, change those fluids too.
one of the biggest lies from manufacturers, tbh
They’ve had to roll back that “lifetime fluid” claim for some cars before due to early transmission failures. It’s not a lot of money to change it out.
Any transmission will take damage from not changing out the fluid, you’re just reducing the lifespan of it, and that’s exactly what they want.
Nor is it particularly difficult, ended up doing my own a few years back when I was still in school and penny pinching.
Found a place that rented out a lift and use of their tools for like $25 for an hour. Bought some fluid, watched some videos ahead of time, and got it done in like ~30 minutes.
You def should change transmission fluid, I was just saying that these vehicles are engineered well enough to hold up for quite a while with little to no care.
I’ve replaced the engine in an '06 Civic Si after the timing chain lifter tensioner failed, the timing skipped, and the valves kissed the pistons.
It also ended up having some pretty gnarly electrical issues.
law of large numbers, maybe
I know just enough about engines for “valves kissed the pistons” to make me laugh in horror.
That’s why I take it to the next step and never buy a car altogether. Miss me woth that shit I’ll just live in a cool city, and either bike or walk wherever I want.
Username cheks out
I agree. I’ve also gotten shafted by used cars (7th generation Honda Civics are all utter pieces of garbage). I don’t take depreciation into account on a new car because I plan on driving it until it’s uneconomical to repair, which means it’ll be worthless when I sell it regardless.
My parents have only purchased one used car, and it was a nearly new car from someone they knew and trusted. The other 4 cars they’ve bought in the past 40 years have been new. They keep them until they’re old and basically worthless.
Yes, in light of keeping the new vehicle for its entire “life” the depreciation argument falls fairly flat. It is more meant for the “average” person who keeps a car for three years or thereabouts. I cannot imagine investing that much money flippantly. I take the time to research what I want and mean to keep my auto for a long time. That said, I prefer a solid used car over new because it has depreciated to a more fair value. I’ve done both and not been displeased with either choice. Except for one BMW…
But even if you drive the car into the ground there is still an associated cost per year as a result of buying the vehicle.
Yeah, my girlfriend recently needed a new car since her ancient Ford Fiesta finally kicked the bucket. She decided to limit her budget solidly to shitbox territory because she’d just had some major expenses and didn’t want to owe someone money.
I offered to lend her some money to help her get better offers. She refused – and ended up buying a car that immediately needed a transmission rebuild that cost as much as the car itself. For which I lent her some of the money.
By Grabthar’s hammer, what a savings!
what shitbox did she buy?
A 2007 Opel Agila that might’ve been a decent car four owners ago. But seriously, her price limit was 2500 € and she got the car for a bit over 2000; it’s hardly a surprise that she didn’t exactly get premium quality.
Well, once all repairs are factored in the total cost is closer to 4500, which could’ve bought her a much nicer car. Or at least a much healthier one.
Opel was at least as big of a mistake, imho
I’ve seen quite serviceable Toyotas and Hondas in that price range not too long before Covid. When did this all happen? I know post Covid used car prices have been absolutely insane much of the time
She just got the car back last week so very recently.
I’ve rented a few new cars and I’m just really not a fan of the all lack of physical buttons and controls. The smart settings like lane control, smart cruise control, the engine turning off when stopped, and notifying me with an alert when I’ve driven to many hours are extremely annoying.
Totally agree. It’s always a risk buying used. You have to be savvy on what to look for, research if there are common catastrophic problems, and hope the vehicle was maintained properly (any car needs more than just oil changes, including Toyota and Honda) and was not abused.
Generally you’re taking less of a risk buying new because of a good warranty and known history, but be sure to get a reliable car not something that will give lots of problems over its life. Plenty of data on which cars are best in that regard. Some makers are better than others on average but reliability can vary by model and model year, even.
Yes, cars depreciate in terms of resale value. That’s why we keep ours for 10-15 years. By then it doesn’t matter.
Next time buy a Subaru and have the guy meet you at a dealership. They do a free inspection for you
Ironically that’s exactly what I did.
Dealership inspection was crap didn’t catch obvious issues, and 2. I live in a country where Subaru is only a minor player so not a large service networkOof that sucks. I’m sorry.
I raised the possibility of buying a Subaru with my local mechanic and he described me as “brave”. He mentioned that the ridiculously high prices for fixing up my Merc (like £600 for a hosepipe) would be peanuts compared to Subaru repairs, and that’s assuming he could even get the parts. So I got another Volvo.
weird. i love my subie and it’s had basically no problems in 4 years, even though it was already 8 or so when i got it. i made sure to get the year where they’d fixed the gaskets, though.
Always take a vehicle to a mechanic for an inspection before buying it.
You’ve been sold a bill of goods, or whoever tried to tell you this doesn’t understand leasing.
ex-lease cars are just as good as new, come with a new car warranty, and don’t come with the absurd depreciation.
look at cars that where released 3 years ago, that’s the used cars we’re talking about not a 1990s civic or whatever.Poor people buy new cars, rich people lease them, smart people buy ex-lease cars.
And even poorer people just buy $1000 beaters and deal with it because we literally can’t afford anything better.
I am a member of the 10mm socket + Hammer club too, but if I had money I know how not to blow it
This is great advice for anyone looking to buy used and not new. Don’t buy someone else’s problems from Craigslist. If you can, buy something from a reputable source that includes a warranty.
I used to stick to that rule and get a sensible mid sized Toyota Corolla or Honda Accord that’s a few years old as needed. But in 2013 (the last time I needed to get a new car) the cost savings were really low compared to new. I think the used market was particularly hot so you’d save less that 10% of the cost, so I ended up getting my 1st and only (so far) brand new car ever.
I’ve never understood the people who insist on only buying used, particularly when they have the money for new. Why spend $5-15k on a used beater if you could get a new car for $30k that won’t have mystery problems, and if they do then it’s covered by warranty? I’ve only ever had real problems in my used cars. I don’t think I ever had a used that made it more than like 4 years before dying on me. Meanwhile, I’ve had my 2016 RAV4 since January 2016, and I’ve only had to deal with a few things that just wear out naturally over time like tires and brake pads. Nearly 8 years with this car so far, and it’s been a fucking dream. My used 2002 Hyundai XG350L however was a fucking nightmare to the point that I’ve sworn off Kia-Hyundai entirely. Which is a shame because the Ioniq whatever EV seems like a pretty solid product, but I feel the need to do extensive research before getting too excited because of how badly Hyundai burned me.
I can’t get a car I would like for just £24K. The cars I buy 2nd hand for £5K would have cost north of £40K when they were new. Sure I could get some shitty half litre shoebox on wheels for £24K that needs three weeks’ written notice for acceleration to 60mph but I’d absolutely hate it. Plus when the engine goes boom replacing the whole car is a lot easier to stomach when it only cost 5K as opposed to 40K.
I’m just some random who knows nothing about cars. What kind of cars are you buying? Legitimately curious!
spoarts carts
Weeks written notice :-). They are all over the show.
In my country if you buy used from a dealer you get 1 year warranty by law. Makes it pretty safe, especially if you have the car checked by s trustworthy mechanic (finding one is the hard part!)
Just to respond to your need for better sleep… For me, good sleep is far more about temperature, darkness, and a nice weight. So I use a weighted blanket, eye covers, and the expensive but awesome chilipad so I don’t try to sleep in a pool of sweat.
Same for me, minus the weight. I hate weight on me when I’m sleeping. Makes me feel trapped and claustrophobic. I use the thinnest blanket the temperature will allow, and I always have fans (and if possible an AC) going. Anything above 63f/17c and I sweat like a pig. :(
Does the chillpad work? I’ve heard mixed reviews.
I’ve been using it for roughly 5 years so it’s probably an old version but it does exactly what it says it does. Ie. It’s a water regulated mattress pad with a thermostat so it stays at whatever temperature you set. I have to clean it out now and then with hydrogen peroxide and add water every month or so. The heater stopped working at some point a few years ago, but I never need heat anyway and the cooling system works fine. I also set the cooling system well above my bed and that helps the circulation. But it was like $600 or something. I usually set it somewhere in the 60s and I’m in my happy place.
ITT: people telling OP what kind of pillow to buy lol
I’m too old for most recent LPT to take hold, but in my youth I heard “simplify” your lifestyle. I didn’t understand the message was directed at those with more than they needed, not people like me, living near or in poverty. There’s no need for many things, provided you have what you need and it serves you well. I know this now, but then…
people like me, living near or in poverty
Hope things improve for you, mate.
Yeah life’s better now, appreciate it tho. Not rich by any means, but not desperate or worried about how to pay bills week to week (some months are tight, but we’ve got savings now)
ITT: people telling OP what kind of pillow to buy lol
This kind of thing makes me wonder if the lemmy app experience is vastly different from the web experience. I don’t know how people get in there to read the text and get no hint of what the title is about. Maybe the title isn’t very obvious in some apps? It just flies in the face of the common wisdom that people don’t read the article, since I’ve seen lots of cases on here where people ONLY read the text and not the title.
Too many people insist they know what’s best for you simply because it worked for them.
Especially frustrating if you are a healthcare professional. It is astonishing how many people give out bad medical advice here,on Reddit, Facebook,etc. with the notion of “well it worked for me”.
Often it didn’t even work.
I mean, yes, I know, it is a way for people to recover control after they “lost it” to their body. But at least don’t brag about it on the internet and even more don’t start a fight with someone who clearly has more knowledge due to professional training and years of experience.
I’ve seen people fight the world leading specialist team on Reddit before…
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Especially annoying if you’re neurodivergent, and they evidently know nothing about it.
I want to follow your advice but I don’t know if it’s the best fit for me.
Maybe don’t encapsulate your options to a single store or even an irl store. A good pillow is a game changer, just because Walmart or whatever had shit selection doesn’t mean a quality pillow isn’t worth it
you absolutely need a pillow that fits your sleeping style
I got a square one
I was sleeping on a tiny rectangular memory foam couch pillow for months before I finally got my new awesome pillow, because the tiny pillow was much better than the shitty full size pillows
I’ve never had a mind-blowingly amazing pillow, but I have had some really bad ones.
this right here.
if it’s doing it’s job right you won’t even notice.
Get a latex pillow. They last forever and stay cool.
Just buying an expensive pillow won’t necessarily improve your sleep. You need to try out various pillows and find the type that works best for your body and how you sleep.
Agreed. I’ve bought various expensive pillows and was never comfy or satisfied. Memory foam hybrid cooling blah blah blah… never comfy. I bought two down feather pillows for $50. Best pillows ever for me. Only reason I had to buy more was my wife kept stealing mine.
I bought the best bamboo pillow I could find and haven’t looked back. All the pillow problems I ever had just disappeared. I hate going anywhere without it.
Quitting drinking was a bummer. But mainly because most of the people I’m drawn to are sociopathic alcoholics. I don’t know if I hate the game or the player anymore :(
Hate both
nice job quitting bro 😎
I like how this turned into a pillow post.
Pillow fight?
only the grills and femboys
I’m always down for a femboy bbq
chill, dahmer
I am a larger man with broad shoulders. I have trained myself to only sleep on my side due to breathing issues arising from my oversized uvula and the tendency for my tongue to join it at the back of my throat when on my back. Even when I’m awake, breathing on my back - much less speaking - is difficult due to my uvula in particular, as I can’t consciously control how it drapes back against my throat.
So I built my own pillow, so that my head doesn’t hang from my shoulders like an afterthought – no normal pillow is tall enough to support my head while I am on my side. It looks kinda like a particularly narrow and deep parking curb, vaguely saddle shaped, only it’s not made out of concrete. It’s literally a tiny showroom-demo mattress on top of a very stable wooden base, with an actual pillow secured on top of it and everything wrapped up in a custom pillow case.
Looks strange AF, but it keeps my spine straight and the crinks out of my neck.
I’m inordinately interested in your solution here. For all of our sakes, make a post about it.
I need to see a photo or shitty MS paint drawing STAT.
I have sleep apnea and I have found a bumper belt works wonders. It’s a belt you attach to your back with several air bladders that keep you on your side, even if your body is included towards back sleeping. It travels very nicely. Just deflate the bladders and roll up the belt.
Not quite the same, but I switched to buckwheat pillows. This way you can shape it to fit however you like no matter the position. Takes some getting used to but solved my issues with most pillows. Sadly it also means no more pillow fights…
I had just sold a car and was flush with cash so before going to buy my new one I bought every single pillow I could find in every home goods store near me and several from online. I then spent the next month studiously comparing pillows to find the right one for me.
The final two came down to a $15 pillow and a $190 pillow.
After deciding all the other pillows got returned and then went and got my new car.
In things as subjective as a pillow high quality is rather Nebulous.
For something like a woodworking tool high quality often matters far more.
The worst life pro tip I’ve ever received? Listen to the experts, they have made it their job to know the best things and you can’t go wrong with what they say.
Car did you get?
I sold my 1985 Mercedes 500 SEL AMG and bought a 2007 Toyota Yaris Hatchback.
Writing notes for myself to remind me to do something. The problem is that I don’t remember to look at the notes. What’s happening is that people are telling me advice that worked for them. That’s very nice of them to try, but when I’ve tried similar systems for decades and they always fail, it’s time to try something new.
Making lists is an organizational tool not a motivational one.
I use calendar events and put reminders depending on how important the task is. Like if it’s my mum’s birthday I put a reminder two weeks before (so I get her a gift) the day before and then the same day in the morning but if it’s something like remembering to call a company or something I just put one reminder at 3 pm on the day of the event.
You can then snooze the event for as long as you want until you have time to take care of it (at least on Samsung’s Android)
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I tried this. Same problem. If I need to remember to do something I put it in google calendar as a task I need to check off at a specific time. Highly effective… for me anyway.
I have a phone with me all the time and I have to be in a specific place to see notes, so notes don’t work for me. I do have a button on my phone I can talk to and say “Set a reminder to feed the animals at 6:30” or “set a weekly reminder to take out trash at 10pm every Friday” or “text her back in an hour” and then I get an alarm I can’t really ignore, I have to do something with it.
You could write this stuff into your calendar app so that you get reminders. I’m sure there are ‘daily planning’ apps too but who’s got time for that?
I went to a furniture store with a friend to pass the time before she had to pick up her boyfriend up from work, and we were looking at the mattresses since she was thinking about buying a new one. The Purple mattresses were consistently disgusting feeling. They were made out of gel material and felt like those stress balls you get out of a gumball machine. I decided to test what it’s like falling into the bed and as soon as my arms touched the mattress I knew it was a mistake. It felt like nails on a chalkboard. I would never be able to sleep in one of those beds unless I was wearing long sleeves, and maybe not even then. If I had a girlfriend who had one of those beds, I’d rather fuck her on the floor or just have her come to my place exclusively. They were also selling pillows from the same company, and they were heavy and the texture was even more noticeable.
I have a purple mattress and it’s ok, not life changing but better than my 5+ year old box spring. But I absolutely agree that sex on a memory foam is unpleasant to say the least.
We dropped a pretty penny on a saatva zenhaven, not disappointed. And on top of its comfort, it’s expected to last 20 years. If it does, it’ll hands down be the best $3k I’ve ever spent.
I was just trying to think about what I’ve spent big money on… and holy crap we pay a lot for rent. It’s damn near 50% of our income, and we do so much with the other half.
Maybe I’m crazy or there’s a cultural difference somewhere here, but if you needed to wear long sleeves then it’s the texture of the material, but surely you’d have a bedsheet over the mattress and not be able to feel it directly?
The pillows that they made from the same material were in pillow cases and you could still feel it through them pretty easily. I doubt a sheet would help for the mattress. A mattress pad might be enough to cover the gross texture, but at that point you would have wasted money buying a gross feeling mattress when you could have bought one that didn’t need a mattress pad to feel like a bed.