There’s one more group that would make this argument……
Only one? I’m stuck between the US court system and Mormons looking for a wife but I guess Republican Congressmen’s Dating Pool is also a possibility.
What about the Catholics? The age of consent is 12 years in Vatican City
So easy to Google that it’s 18…
Liberals in a worker shortage
What fantasy world are you living in? So dumb…
Red states. What part of that isn’t clear?
You’re replying to a hexbear user. When they use the label “Liberals” it includes the folks you immediately think of but it also includes conservatives., as in economic liberalism.
no, I mean mean US democrat liberals and the link I provided shows that child labor restrictions are being loosened in both red and blue states
Yes they’re all liberals. That’s what I said. The guy was like ‘where blue states I thought you said libral’ and so I had to clarify that in this context the word applies to both not just blue.
This happens in red and blue states. Additionally, conservative ideology is based in liberalism, with added brushes with fascism as compared to blue states.
Ah yes, red states like Minnesota and New Jersey. 🤡
Any legislator can introduce a bill, so “blue” and “red” don’t really indicate much. You have to look at who is sponsoring the bill. In Minnesota, that is Republicans and it’s going nowhere. In New Jersey, that’s Democrats and it got into law.
Reminds me of the old joke “what’s the difference between libertarians and republicans? Libertarians know the legal age of consent in all 50 states”
Fuck, marry, kill: Degen edition
The IDFLibertarians are fascists…
So are the IDF…
I think you’re on to something boys
“everything I don’t like is fascism”
Right. So much overlap between those political philosophies 🙄
Much like Obomba taught us, that part in the middle of the meme that looks like says 12 year old is pronounced “Military age male”.
Libertarians are like liberty to cherry pick lucrative bits of capitalism but same level of kick the ladder fuck you I got mine as regular Republicans.
What libertarian said what to make you think that?
I think government only works when it has the power to militarily dominate any competing force.
I’ll take Yikes! for 100, Alex
Like Hasan said “It’s all liberalism at the end of the day”
Who actually hates themselves enough to watch Hasan Piker? Not only is he an idiot, but he’s also cringe beyond hope
I do not understand this meme.
Considering people under 18 children is exaggerating, 13 (or whenever you hit puberty) is about the age when people can get a job, get married, and fight in war if it weren’t for society brainwashing and labeling them as children, history is with me on this one.
We’ve got one
In many countries minors (<18) can be in military service. In Israel and the US it is from 17 years. Why should exactly HAMAS in a population with about half children (persons under 18 years) make a difference?
I’m not with this guy
Wanting to marry 13 year olds says more about you than about them.
Your second paragraph perfectly explains the first. Good self-expression.
People like you is why I don’t and shall never miss using reddit
i don’t know anybody who has gotten married or fought in a war before the age of 18. we don’t even let people drink or smoke until 21.
history is with me on this one.
you seem like the kind of person who is OK with saying only white men should be allowed to own land or vote
…“Someone shot an RPG at us from the upper top window of the building across the road, requesting air support, over…” …“They’re setting up another RPG, over…” …“Ah never mind, it’s a minor. We’ll just hope he continues to miss us”
Some of you guys have really warped definitions of libertarianism…
The problem is libertarian groups themselves don’t stand up against anarchists joining them. I remember Gary Johnson getting booed at an official libertarian party gathering for saying he believes in driver’s licences.
Also we already know how libertarianism ends, with robber barons controlling everything and people living in company towns. It’s a terrible political ideal.
What’s wrong with anarchists? I’ve never seen anarchists defending pedophilia. Anarchism doesn’t mean you just freely cause harm to others; quite the contrary.
Oh most anarchists I know are nice people, they just completely fail to understand that not everyone else is. They don’t want to oppress, steal, rape, or murder, and so systems to prevent those things aren’t necessary.
I agree. Those fuckin anarchists are out of control
American libertarians are rebranded anarcho-capitalists. Outside of the US, libertarians are largely associated with anarchism and other anti-authoritarian socialist ideologies. Any left-libertarian (the kind that would identify as just anarchist, not ancap) want absolutely nothing to do with Gary Johnson. Don’t put their shit show of an ideology on us lol
Left libertarians are still opposed to a strong central government which is a core issue with libertarianism.
In your ideal government, how would child porn or slavery be addressed? Let’s assume there’s a community that formed because they think it’s a good thing.
I’m a libertarian and I’m not opposed to a strong central government. I think government only works when it has the power to militarily dominate any competing force.
I just think government should be simple, to minimize the number of ways it can break down and end up becoming a tool of the powerful to oppress the weak.
We currently have a set of laws that’s like twenty feet long when you print it out, bind it, and put it on the shelves.
That’s a lot of complexity for malicious code to hide in. A lot of places for petty tyrants to set up shop and spend their life hurting little people under a government seal of authority.
We currently have a set of laws that’s like twenty feet long when you print it out, bind it, and put it on the shelves.
Turns out, life is complex. It’s either this or you end up having “rules for me but not for thee”.
But to this point, what would you have your central government in charge of? I’m certainly for axing parts of the central gov and expanding others (For example, I’d nationalize healthcare and drug production and abolish ICE and the DEA). That is, I’d push for a government more concerned with taking care of citizens and less concerned with penalizing inconsequential things like not being born here.
The reason for the miles long laws is because when you don’t have them, a capitalist society will work around them. A recent behind the bastards episode on the hawks nest tunnel ( ) is a perfect example of how these sorts of regulations get created and grow.
Shitty people exist and always will. It would be foolish of me to say otherwise. The shitty things they do may still happen in a stateless society. Child porn and slavery are being produced in societies with central government right now and very little is being done about it. In a stateless, moneyless society there would be no incentive for slave labor and I think that would largely/entirely disappear.
Child porn is obviously a lot more complex than that and there are several factors in play. First, anarchists and adjacent movement are staunch advocates of community engagement and vigilance. We want to radically change how society functions at the most base levels. If a child is being abused or exploited, it would ideally be easier to spot and act on. There hasn’t been a lot of research into what causes pedophilia or how to treat it in a way that would reduce/eliminate people acting on those urges. Research could be conducted into practical and holistic ways to treat their condition. Poverty is strongly linked to sexual violence of all kinds and the abolition of poverty would surely have a big part to play in the reduction of many things, including child sexual abuse. A society formed around the ideals of libertarian socialism present a real opportunity to end the cycle of abuse and that would certainly play a role in reducing child sexual exploitation.
There’s plenty more to say about this and there’s obviously a lot of detail not covered in my brief comment but there are solutions to this baked into the ideological framework of anarchism and libertarian socialism. I’m not going to say we have all the answers, of course we don’t. But a society organized from the bottom up, with a focus on equality, safety and prosperity for all would not only be incentivised to solve these problems, but would be much quicker to act due to the lack of bureaucratic red tape
Perhaps some facets of libertarianism are really fucked up?
Slavery and child porn are debated by libertarians because the only way to address both is centralized government. However, since most (though not all) libertarians are opposed to any central government, they end up justifying with “well if you want to sell yourself as a slave, why should anyone stop you?”.
But yeah, obviously it’s us that are aware of this who are the fucked up ones.
Pretty sure the libertarian stance on slavery is that it is wrong, given the lack of liberty that slaves have. And the fact you can use a government to ensure nobody gets enslaved demonstrates the difference between a libertarian and an anarchist.
The maximum amount of personal liberty does not come from zero government. It comes from having enough government to prevent people from enslaving other people.
Pretty sure the libertarian stance on slavery is that it is wrong
Libertarians are VERY individualistic (shocker) which means no 2 libertarians define libertarianism the same way.
HOWEVER, you literally just have to search for “slavery libertarian” in the google box to find all sorts of fairly high profile libertarians arguing about how slavery can actually be a good thing that we should allow.
For example, from Walter Block:
I’d argue pedophilia can be to some degree be addressed with proper mental healthcare.
I’m curious what the downvotes are for… Are they saying there’s no helping them or even the thought of helping them is bad?
Of literally all the kinds of people in the world with all the kinds of mental issues they could have, I’ve never seen more vicious hatred of a group than pedophiles. Not to defend them, but it could be as simple as having a sexual attraction but literally never acting on it, yet still I see “kill them, drag them by their genitals, let dogs eat them alive and pee on them” etc… that kind of absolute dehumanizing hatred. Even the sociopaths that are literally destroying the world get by with less violent hatred.
Again, not defending pedophiles, I just think that if it’s an issue of mental help then they should be helped, not hunted.
Can be addressed with assassination politics aimed at slavers and child abusers.
We can solve [crime against humanity] by [commiting crime against humanity]
You think it’s a crime against humanity to kill a slaver?
“assassination” is the crime against humanity, although pretty sure it’s “only just” a war crime. Although when not carried out by a govt agent, since we’re talking a hypothetical libertarian society and solution, IDK if 8t can be called that.
Why do you believe that killing (or whatever we call it) a slaver is either a crime against humanity or a war crime?
It is a crime against humanity to willingly take a life, no matter how vile the person
That’s literally just a government lol
But without the monopoly on killing slavers and child abusers.
Yeah, you gotta take some risks. There’s no magical fix to bad shit. We just do our best and try to do better.
Yeah, libertarians acknowledge that 12 year olds are children, they just also want to fuck children.
Can you link to a libertarian saying that?
Found the libertarian.
Nathan Larson was a libertarian- no need to spin up narratives when it sets itself up, nice try though.