How long before he rolls a couple of those big ugly dictator headshot carpets down the side of the building
I think we’re in non-zero probability now
Exactly he ain’t no saint … Donaldgrad
like the fuckface ever graduated on his own…
Port Bonespurrs
They’re taking the Russkies to Donaldgard gard gard g-gard!
Just Дональд, Московская область. Moscow has seen a lot of changes in what is seemed as their suburbs while it grew with time, so it extending to the whole other continent would not be surprising to russians who already rent flats said to be in this region only to have 2+ hours commutes to almost anything. Taking daily flights to work? Still better than traffic jams in the morning.
At this point so many not-the-onions have happened that I had to check if it was a joke. I’m glad to see this is LSP, but I wish I could trade that reality for some of the other craziness of late.
Lumpy Space Princess?
That’s a real photograph from the LSP post that will be shot next week.
sarcasm !
Never thought I’d see the day that the very concept of parody itself would become outdated.
I’m not sad, you’re sad.
Trumpgrad. will enjoy the company of
ETA: It would be totally poetic for the US capitol to be named after Trump (probably just Trump City) before it is bombed to rubble by the allies after the Trump-regime’s sorry attempts of military expansionism.
Why do I think they’ll be sorry? Because he’s firing all the generals that know how to conduct a war, in favor of MAGA loyalists. Because the same reason the Allies studied the horoscopes knowing that Hitler liked conducting the war with astrological auspices.
At least that would prevent people from confusing it with the state.
Don’t. Don’t even.
I kind of think we should, and then change all the names back at once after they implode.
Don’t compare him to Pyotr I Alekseyevich
I thought St. Petersburg was named for the Apostle Saint Peter?
Pyotr founded the city but to my knowledge didn’t name it after himself nor was he canonized as a Saint.
For a while it was Leningrad.
But that’s an entirely different story
Like the Hapsburg lineage?
also, reuters has been banned from the press room for noncomplianceaqp