By now most of you know that I’m by far the most reasonable person on lemmy. I’m basically real life Judiciary Pag. Well, maybe not the Very Relaxed part… But I’m very Learned and extremely Impartial.
So here’s the deal: if you need to resolve some conflict, if you need someone to decide who’s the asshole or simply can’t decide who’s right and who’s wrong in a silly comment fight - just ask. I will give you my totally unbiased, 100% impartial opinion and you will be able to move on with your life.
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It doesn’t matter, the roll works in both cases. If someone disagrees be the bigger person and just agree with them.
The original patent for the toilet roll holder has it away from the wall, so the inventor intended to be that way.
But counter point - many inventions are found to be more useful in ways the original inventor did not intend.
This inventors invention is not one of those though imo.
Which is better, Star Wars or Star Trek?
As Sci-Fi? Clearly Star Trek. It’s actual Sci-Fi when Star Wars is just fantasy in space. As franchises both have better and worse movies/shows and can’t be compared objectively.
Fan service in anime, yay or nay?
Yay. Just don’t watch it if you don’t like it.
Should nen leave the toiley seat up?
Everyone can leave it open or close it after use. It’s up to them. The next person will know what to do with it in both cases.
cake or pie?
It’s a matter of taste.
I dunno man, you’re not being very judgey - mostly just explaining how things can be harmonious if the requester gets over it…
I want my money back!
Sorry, all judgements are final. No returns or appeals.
“I deMAND to see the manager”
Purple or green?
Your honor, is white collar crime a legitimate get rich quick scheme or an unthinkable sin ?
As it’s name implies, it’s a crime. As such it’s not legitimate but it’s also not a sin. It’s up to each individual and his morality to decide if he wants to be a criminal or not and it’s up to the society to stop criminal behaviors that have negative impact on it as a whole.