I knew a guy in college who had to do this, he had a degenerative eye disease or something that no amount of glasses, hard contacts, or whatever could fix. It seemed like it royally sucked, but he always seemed in good spirits.
Except I vaguely recall he impaled his own leg on a sharp branch while jogging because he couldn’t see it. That would suck.
Yeah, it does sound like it wood suck.
Wood stuck?
No, some doctors got it out.
I’d just leave that one alone.
Had project manager at previous job the same. Worked about 3" from his screen. He was the proof that a good project manager is worth their weight in gold though. Guy was absolutely brilliant.
No surgery could fix that?
I know a guy with what sounds like a similar condition - in his case most of the colour receptive cells in his retinas are fucked, it’s a genetic thing that ment they didn’t form correctly in the first place. Not really anything you can do surgically, it’s not like cataracts or stigmatism where the retina is ok but the light isn’t reaching it correctly.
He wears highly tinted sunglasses cos it turns out that those colour cells are also really heavily involved in adjusting your iris to ensure you get the right amount of light, so his eyes adjust to changes in brightness much slower than normal which can be physically painful if he (eg) turns on the lights in a dark room
Ah, he got the Lorca eyes but took a pass on the whole “I’m from an alternate universe full of psychopaths” bit, gotcha.
I knew this guy when I was a kid, who could only play SNES and Sega games with the control upside down. This was before mapping and being able to toggle things how you want them, was a thing.
He’d hold the controller upside down and always sat sideways to the tv while looking at the tv from the side. He said it was the only way he could play.
Bro needs new glasses
Those 500x500 pixels must be very important.
And that grip reminds me of Hypertapping on the NES controller.
The half rolling technique developed by the Tetris community has proven to be more effective/easier.
By being this close to the screen, he reduces the latency created by the photons traveling between the screen and his eyes, therefore giving him a significant strategic advantage over his opponents.
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This Island Earth?
This Island Earth can be yours if the price is right!
This guy looks like an anime character
The keyboard just needs to be 6ft long and have nonsensical shit hanging off it like skulls on ship chains.
Also the keyboard keys would not be enlarged. There would be about one thousand regular size keys on it.
“Hand forged in the deepest basement, this keyboard has ultimate compatibility! Every key from every language, at my fingertips! 38 usb cables with the raw power to transcend operating systems and control multiple computers simultaneously… Oh ho ho, but that’s not even the true power of this keyboard. See these skulls? These are all that remains of the former owners… Lost souls, desperate for minimal latency, all lost their minds, and lives, by using the forbidden Synaptic Link. The one I will use to defeat you!”
And then he plugs a cable into his brain or some shit and they play a round of starcraft. Feel like I started in a corner and wrote myself into a different corner.
This made me chuckle.
Def looks like a toaster on the side of his head
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Well maybe you shouldn’t have been masturbating furiously.
What game is this?
It’s hard to say, but it looks like Counter Strike
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Definitely looks like CSGO. Probably csgo 1
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There’s a csgo 2 now that’s why
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Fuck. You might be right I was just playing the other day and I think the latest update introduced fps and tick rate or something at the top right corner though so I was going based off on that.
i went through a few mice
Build a Corne split mechanical already
Would you have any recommendations for a split board that’s perhaps a little larger than the Corne? I can’t help but feel it’d be too small for me.
Take a look at keeb.io, they have a few full size splits https://keeb.io/products/quefrency-rev-5-pcbs-hotswap-65-65xt-split-staggered-keyboard
Took me a couple glances to notice the second keyboard. Is that comfortable?
Fucking keyboard turners.
I thought that phone charging was a harmonica, and I was so confused why that was charging.