Hungary’s parliament passed a law banning Pride events and allowing facial recognition to identify and fine attendees.
The legislation, backed by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s party, passed 136-27 and expands Hungary’s “child protection” law, which restricts LGBTQ+ content. Amnesty International condemned it as a “full-frontal attack” on LGBTQ+ rights.
Critics argue Orbán is scapegoating minorities to distract from economic issues and boost far-right support ahead of elections.
Budapest Pride organizers vowed to proceed with their march despite fines of up to 200,000 forints (£425).
one word:
The EU should finally smite that asshole down.
Kick them out of the EU, yes. Corruption charges.
EU support has already been penalised afair, but we should stop treating Hungary like a normal member altogether (like delivering our citizens to Hungary for charges of hurting (protesting against) Nazis).
I wish the conspiracy theories about european weater control were true
Permanent thunderstorm for banning pride events
Hungary would likely appreciate that for a while, since the puszta is undergoing desertification in recent years due to drought.
Fuck Orban and all the autocratic assholes restricting freedom of expression around the world. This decade fucking sucks.
Article 7 now! How much more “breaching of EU values” we need to see for something to be done? 😐
Banned AI applications in the EU include:
- […]
- Real-time and remote biometric identification systems, such as facial recognition in public spaces
Hungary is about to walk into a lot of fines.
How about cutting veto rights and financial aid instead?
Just a reminder that there are ways to paint your face to make it difficult/impossible for facial recognition to work.
Not sure about Hungary, but I know the tech exists to identify people by gait as well. I’ve seen people suggesting to put a small rock in one of your shoes to force you to walk differently.
Stay safe.
Cripes. This world…
And remember, don’t bring your own cellphone
Which is highly illegal under the EU
Soon coming to a red state near you!
I was going to say…sounds like the USA in about three months. (Obviously trans discrimination is already here… I’m referring to the LGBQ discrimination being included.)
Already happening, LGBT Charity and Pride organizations have reported they’re not getting the usual donations from the usual suspects. When called to ask why, most of them said they literally can’t because funding Pro-LGBT Charities and Events counts as violating Anti-DEI executive orders, so legal won’t let them.
Also in Executive Orders? Segregation is legal for Federal Contractors.
That’s not quite the same though.
I doubt anyone but queer individuals ever donated to Hungary’s pride parades - if they even accept donations to begin with.
Like why would any Hungarian company ever donate to a pride parade? They all benefit from and support Orban’s corruption. Scapegoating minorities keeps their stream of money going.
No no, this is what Trump has done in America
This is already in blue cities they just use it against BLM and pro-Palestine organizers.
I’m fairly sure that violates a few EU directives…
Sadly The EU doesn’t has the balls to kick this fuckers out of the EU. This is literally the only way to deal with this asshole.
As a hungarian my opinion is that the eu thinks it can hang on to hungary so it doesnt go completely to shit. The problem is they are not nearly proactive enough to cause any change.
Yes, but they just won’t follow it, then cry at the EU for anti-christianity.
Time to wear a lifelike Victor Orbán mask in a pride parade.
dress up like daddy putin, then viktor cant ban it.
Facial recognition? … attend gay pride events with the mask of your favourite politician
while I agree, that’ll earn you an instant arrest. you can’t cover your face in autocratic states
Make pride events like carnival; mask on.
I dont even live in hungary anymore and im not even queer but im attending pride for my homies this year. Fuck orbán, bekaphatja a faszom
Orban’s Hungary is Mini-Russia.
I’m looking forward to seeing the most fabulous masks that feathers and glitter can buy in Budapest this year.
I was thinking rainbow face paint with interesting paterns
Masks work too though.
masks plus sunglasses. most of facial recognition happens in the eye area not the rest of the face
Invest in a Rorschach lol
People calling for collective punishment of a whole nation are irrational. Even sanctions won’t do shit.
The problem is reach. Whatever the EU does, thanks to Orbán and his cronies owning all terrestrial media and major online publications, the opposition gets drowned out in a sea of disinfo, controlling the rural population, which is 70% of the country. Antennae television and radio stations are still big there. Budapest ALWAYS votes against Fidesz.
EU needs to dust off Radio Free Europe, and also disperse leaflets in the countryside. Spend the EU money that Hungary would have gotten on such a campaign. Focus the campaign on the state of poverty, corruption, inflation, class division, infrastructure, education and health care collapse, instead of this sham parade of their “child protection act” that they want the population (and the EU) to focus on.
The rule should be that if any country loses a condition that is a prerogative for joining the EU they should be put on a track to leave. If you dismantle democracy and hold the union hostage for millions, whilst shitting on its ideals. -> change your ways or get out.