We found the villain to the no-poop-for-three-days story
Hairbo sugar free gummy bears
They said 2-6 hrs. Not 2-6 min
Just wait 2 hours before eating.
Sprite and magnesium citrate. A dose takes about 30 minutes to work, so if you dilute it in a 20 ounce bottle it should hit at about the 2 hour mark depending on how your body reacts.
I lost 7.5 lbs in one night due to that stuff. I went to the doctor because I kept having diarrhea. Turns out I was so constipated the only thing that could make its way out was liquid. I drank a bottle of that stuff and 45 minutes later…well…you know that one scene from Dumb and Dumber? Yeah, that was me for like an hour and half straight.
This is the stuff to use, but I don’t think diluting will work like this. I recommend taking it, with a bit of sprite 30 minutes before showtime.
Stay hydrated!
Stuff marshmallows up your butt. The glycerine in them will make you evacuate your bowels within 10 minutes as they dissolve.
I can’t stop laughing from thinking about someone stuffing marshmallows up their ass.
You’ve tried it too? I got to 31, then farted…
My girlfriend wasn’t impressed.
sounds like cloudseeding
<insert mark as NSFW train copypasta>
I kinda want to try this to see if it’s true but also ewww
this is true. don’t ask how I know
Is this speaking from experience?
This, plus your username backwards, makes me think this is the voice of experience.
This is easy. Google “miralax colonoscopy prep solution”
Ok so i think it is cool everybody answers the question…
But why PenisWenisGenius? Why do you need this information?
Just asking for a friend 😇
Which friend and why do they need it
They need it for anal reaaons
If they’re looking for a nice long butt fucking, why not an enema ?
Based on the answer you got we need to consider that everyone answering has become complicit in, if not crimes, at the very least japery.
Eat a bag of sugar-free gummy bears or a half gallon of sugar-free ice cream. Another option as one other comment mentioned are those unregulated asian slimming teas that have questionable ingredients. The safest and most practical solution is a laxative used for colonoscopy prep.
Sugar free gummy bears will make you shit your pants in 2 hours. And in 3 hours. And in 4 hours. Etc.
Milk of magnesia. You can get it at basically any drug store and it will make you fucking BLAST.
Who are you try to make shit themself while in / over international waters?
Mainline dysentery infected blood
Not sure if they’re still available, but gummy bears made with Lycasin guarantee explosive results.
are you trying to get someone to break off with you?
Just take laxatives 30 minutes prior to needing to shit your pants?
Improperly cooked eggs or chicken can help
Depends on where you live, that could literally kill you. Salmonella are no joke.
Is there a taco bell near you?
he said 2 hrs not 2 minutes