Our parents and their parents all tried to conform to a type of idyllic family stereotype that was never attainable. Family members were ignored and ostracized for behaving outside that stereotype. Excuses like “it’s a fad” started specifically because of the need to explain away the behavior without allowing any follow up questions.
It took a long time but we are finally able to embrace our differences and recognize what’s actually normal. Conservatives are still fighting to live that unattainable lifestyle and mad at everyone else cause they can’t.
I want to be stereotyped. I want to be classified.
See kids, what we have here is a top notch descendents reference. Often overlooked, but never unappreciated
I want a suburban home. I want to be a clone
The individual desires judgement. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization.
All good man, nobody’s gonna kink shame
I love the kinks!
And could you imagine what that does to you mentally? Trying to square the circle? I’d imagine people that subscribe to that ideal have vastly higher domestic abuse rates. As long as they aren’t murdering small animals and hurting other people, your kids and family are growing fine.
Listen, if I had a kid who turned punk I’d be glad because as subcultures go punk is pretty based.
My daughter went punk then goth and then several other things I never bothered to look up. She is now a school teacher who only occasionally has bright florescent hair.
As a Texas resident with a few friends in who are professional teachers… oof. I’m so sorry to hear this story has a sad ending.
Texas resident
Well there’s your problem.
Truly a horrific fate.
I’m extremely proud of my niece for being a metal kid.
If my kid spiked their hair and started living in a collective and spending their days doing direct action and mutual aid I’d be so fucking proud.
Rap has it’s roots in punk because they were the only clubs that allowed them to perform at the time
Don’t forget about the Satanic Panic, which would be an awesome band name if it’s not already.
As a kid, I didnt really understand “punk”. Based of how media portrayed them, they were always a gang, always looking to start trouble and destroy things, get into fights, commit crimes, all the bad shit people didnt like. Then as an adult, I come to find it was just a music movement, like hiphop and rock. So what the fuck? And then it turns out punk music was pretty cool, too.
Given how political punk was right from the start, I wouldn’t call it “just a music movement”.
It also has a big Anarchy vibe.
Going against the norm, which the norm doesn’t like.
like anything it had its influences and influenced others. Had its pure true believers and posers. To me true punk folks you would know when you slammed dance with them and it was fun and although a bit scary you felt safe.
People don’t turn punk overnight. It has been a long time coming. You just didn’t notice it.
This just screams MST3K PSA!
We required high levels of conformity to win the coming nuclear war.
No punks in the Wolverines!
Oh man a version of Wolverines set in a city where punks fight the Russians would be awesome
I’d watch it.
Best I can do is Buddy Holly fighting Russians with a samurai sword.
This picture looks like the basis for 1/4 of the Kids In The Hall’s skits.
I feel like Bruce McCulloch had a closet full of flannel shirts with the arms cut off.
fire fire fire, fire on my BRAIN
The Nelsons sounds like a kick ass punk band.
Sadly, the 80s had a band called Nelson. I say sadly because:
I assume anyone who owned that poster had a favorite Nelson twin, and was ready to recite the reasons why he was their favorite at a moment’s notice.
But if they’re twins, why choose a favorite?
Because Gunner’s more demure.
You know their names? So let me guess, the demure one is on the left in that photo up there
I tried to forget about them
The Nelson’s are about to find out…
That their son used an entire bottle of Elmer’s glue and now sleeps face down to keep that mohawk standing up. They’ll spend time understanding his interests because they love him very much.
YouTube has several copies of this, here’s one:
That’s Bernie Kopell, aka Siegfried.
I think of him as Doc from The Love Boat, but that works too.
Oh, I thought it was the dad from ALF.
You were not alone in that belief. Someone else said the same thing. His name was Max Wright, incidentally. Sadly, he passed away in 2019. He is occasionally confused with Austin Pendleton, Max from The Muppet Movie, who has the same name as Max Wright, which doesn’t help. To make things even more confusing, they were once in the same movie- Simon*, which came out in 1980. Austin is, thankfully, still with us.
*It’s like K-PAX if the psychiatrist was the one who convinced the guy he was an alien.
My favorite role was Baron von Butcher.
Did some Googling and found he was in a sketch in a 1994 episode of Saturday Night Live that was a TNG / Love boat crossover.
But I can’t find a clip on YouTube!
Ten Forward needs this!
ack. i thought it was max wright
Excuse me, but would the star of 101 episodes of ALF and 15 episodes of Misfits of Science sink this low?
Don’t answer that.
i was so upset when they canceled misfits
Wait what?! Which??
That kid’s moments away from flipping off Spock on a bus.
not “we”, only the squares among us.
Starring… a de-aged Brad Douriff, in the role of a lifetime!