I’ve been reliably informed that, unlike Reddit, I can reply “Fuck Musk”. I hope that’s the case. If it isn’t, still “Fuck Musk”.
I’ve been under the impression that, unlike Reddit, I can upvote posts like this, so I did.
I’ve been under the impr-
We can also pray that people like Elon are met by someone like Luigi 🙏
So say we all.
Come on everybody!
🎶For he’s a stupid asshole! 🎶 For he’s a stupid asshole! 🎶 For he’s a stupid asshoooooole! 🎶 That everybody hates!
Unlike Twitter and Reddit, we actually give a fuck about free speech. You can even say “I want to rip out Elon Musk’s spine and wipe my ass with it in Mortal Kombat 1” if you want.
I have a feeling his spine would be too weak to provide enough friction to properly cleanse ones rectum, but I appreciate the gesture all the same.
Lemmy FTW!
You can reply “I hope Musk gets shot in the head” for all we care, friend!
You can’t say fuck musk on reddit?
From what I have been reading, you can’t so much as upvote somebody else’s post that says fuck Musk.
Or a luigi
I’d like to agree with you. But can I say Elon Musk can go eat a big bag of infected whale dicks? Because I’d like to, because I think he can
That’s a low bar.
Says the guy who takes the credit for his employees inventions ;)
This was exactly my response. If Hitler doesn’t count as being the one who killed millions, you don’t count as a good inventor / business person.
But in reality, it doesn’t matter. You
shouldedit: SHOULDN’T be defending Hitler anyway…shouldn’t
homeboy gooned so much on nsfw he ended up making the biggest gaffe of the week on lemmy.
I am once again asking Democrats to be a functioning opposition to the Republicans.
They are once again smiling and saying no.
You’re wasting your breath. Don’t ask. Camp out in front of their office doors and DEMAND they grow a spine, or get primaried.
Fuck elon. Like really, just fuck all the way off you Nazi piece of shit
I hope he dies in a Tesla fire.
I’ve never seen him in one that wasn’t promotional
Weirder things have happened. Did you hear about the late owner of Segway? Literally drove one off a cliff
Sad thing is, he was ahead of his time. He imagined micromobility about 20-30 years too soon and never got to live to see it take off
“Oops” indeed ;-))
That would be perfect. And I want it to be an accidental one, not that mind the idea of him being murdered. It would just so much more funny if he died due to the shear incompetance of his company. Or if a piece of a space X rocket fell on him lol
That’s how one would cleans another of evil, right? It’d be good for him.
Good for us too!
He also is famous for loving to post 14 flags under his posts. 14 is a white supremacist number called 14 words. He’s 100% a Nazi and he does not hide it one bit.
Auto taxi announcement on 8/8 . He’s just a troll they say…
Haha “The Onion”, you almost got me… OH GOOD GOD
Void, that was a great show
The Onion presidency 2: Fascist Boogaloo
Oh of course, if you fire all your public workers, you can’t have a genocide because there’s nobody to carry out your orders.
Silly fucking me.
I’m assuming we can look forward to all those cops and ICE agents being fired then.
Last I checked, being the man who oversees a genocide does not make you innocent. In fact, it makes you just as bad, if not worse, than the people following orders.
I’d say worse. In the least, people carrying out orders might be doing so out of fear for their own life. It doesn’t excuse it, but on the scale I’d say that’s much better than putting people in a position to kill or be killed.
By reliable accounts some of Hitler’s last words were him expressing that while sad he didn’t really improve anything for Germany, at least he killed millions of Jews. Hitler wanted the credit.
Wow, I know I’m saying this about Hitler, but… this guy was a total fucking monster.
Yeah, and people don’t get more serious about shoving racists and neo nazis face in it. Hitler was a meth head with a deformed penis who blew his brains out cowaring in fear as Mel Brooks drove a tank into Berlin. Dude was shit, and no he didn’t ‘‘at least do good things for Germany’’ he ensured their destruction by being a military tactical dumbass starting all these wars all at once, then using all kinds of resources rounding up Jews, building factories to exterminate people, lowering their population as they ran out of soldiers. Do you know how fucking stupid you have to be to do things this way? No one was ever like ‘‘hay maybe if we just stop rounding up Jews with a huge amount of guys and building extermination camps we could have a few more soldiers and bombs to fight with’’ no. They just pretended it made sense and kept following his orders even when they new it was bullshit, AND they let him intentionally send units to their deaths for ‘‘not fighting hard enough’’ to win using his dumb fucking tactics. This guy was fucking stupid, the whole idealogy of following ONE dude no matter what is the most idiotic system of government possible.
I wonder how much American society has suffered since the History Channel abdicated its role of educating dumb Americans by playing actual WW2 documentaries all day.
Everything you said used to be a given. It’s insane that we have to explain this shit.
I haven’t had a TV in a while. Has the History Channel switched from being the Hitler Channel to the Freak Show/Family Reality Meltdown channel?
Oh like at least 15 years ago at this point. Reality shows, and “Ancient Aliens” type shit.
Dude at some point in the 10s all cable just turned into reruns of C.O.P.S.
According to what I’ve seen on Billiam’s channel it looks like it’s mostly trying to claim various myths and legends are real and intentionally misinterpreting evidence to support their claims. A master class in crafting an argument of misinformation of you will
What an insufferable idiot
Jesus fuck already. Why can’t this fuck hole skip to the bullet-temple, doused-in-accelerant, ignited-in-a-ditch phase of his life. He’s so fucking thirsty for it.
Why give him a quick one ? When you can make him suffer
As much as “I was just following orders” is not enough to excuse someone of their responsibility in atrocities, “I was just issuing orders” will not excuse anyone either.
Anyone who thinks that just because someone didn’t pull the trigger, that means they’re not guilty, you can get your ass back in line to lick elons boots.
This is in the same vein as “Hitler did some good things” kind of cognitive dissonance. While the statement may not be wholly false, the fact that anyone could overlook everything he did that was bad, to find some small piece of something he did that can be construed as “good” is simply trying to put an objectively evil person into a better light, when they do not deserve it.
There are plenty of misunderstood people in history that did very good things, and were killed/maimed/murdered/imprisoned/tarred/feathered/whatever, because they did something that the wrong people saw as bad.
Nobody should ever try to find a shining light of good deep down in the black abyss of Hitler’s life.
Reminds me of a Brazilian advert for a magazine in the 90s. It started with some large black and white dots, slowly zooming out, and the narration went something like:
"This man was an artist. When he took power, his country was in a deep economic recession, but he brought prosperity back and made it home to some of the most important industrial companies still functioning today. To this day, many people look up to him. This man… (zoom out finishes) was Adolf Hitler.
It’s possible to tell a lie telling only truths."
Hitler did some good things
FWIW I do think this is genuinely an entirely false statement. Usually, Hitler apologists will say either 1) Hitler rebuilt Germany’s military, or 2) Hitler rebuilt Germany’s economy, but neither thing is really true. Germany’s military was largely rebuilt before Hitler’s ascension in national politics - ironically enough, with the generous assistance of the Soviet Union. And Hitler didn’t rebuild Germany’s economy at all, he just ran things off of borrowed money and then did his level best to exterminate the people who had loaned it to him.
And not only did Hitler not do anything good, he ruined that fucking mustache for everybody for all time.
TBF, Hitlerdid kill Hitler.
My granddad rocked the mustache til his death. Helps that he had much lighter hair.
It sounds like a pretty good argument for pushing back against the administration and not following orders.
What did we used to say to mouth-breathing trolls on the internet?
Musk needs to be strapped into a chair, “Clockwork Orange” style and forced to watch all 9 hours of “Shoah.”
Baby shark on repeat.
The holocaust, like all slave labor, inevitably was exploited by capitalism.